Macular Pucker Repair | Membrane Peeling
Macular pucker is a condition that affects the central portion of the retina, known as the macula. This condition is caused by pulling forces created by a thin, cellophane-like membrane on the surface of the retina.
Risk factors for macular puckers include eye inflammation, trauma and previous eye surgery, even though most cases occur for unknown reasons. The most usual symptom of macular pucker is painless blurring or distortion of central vision. This loss of vision can progress slowly and go unnoticed when occurring in only one eye.
Our ophthalmologists specialize in macular pucker and macular hole repair. If your experiencing the symptoms mentioned , consider having a dilated eye examination with our ophthalmologist. This exam may involve photographs or other specialized imaging tests of the retina. There are effective surgical treatments for macular pucker repair, so don’t delay your evaluation. Many patients are able to regain some vision after macular pucker repair.
For more information regarding macular pucker or macular hole repair, please visit the American Academy of Ophthalmology patient information website: http://www.asrs.org/patients/retinal-diseases/19/epiretinal-membranes or click on links to articles written by our retina specialists below.
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